
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Merleau-Ponty Circle Conference: "Flesh, Truth, Sacred Life."

 The following is a recent email from Merleau-Ponty Circle:

Dear Members of the MPCircle,

Greetings!  I am writing in regard to our fall conference which will take place at Concordia College, Minnesota from September 15-17, 2011 on the theme of "Flesh, Truth, Sacred Life."  The Director of the conference, Prof. Susan O'Shaughnessy, has now posted the program of speakers and you may view it on the conference website:

On the conference website, you may register online and there is a reduced fee for registering prior to August 15.  The conference website designed by Prof. Bryan Luther (Susan's husband) makes online registration payment very efficient and easy.

You should also be aware that the conference rate for booking rooms at the Radisson Fargo will only be available until August 14.  There is a link to the Radisson on the website under accommodations. There is also a link with travel information.

Please register and book your room as soon as you can.  These August deadlines are coming up a bit earlier than usual due to the mid-September conference timing.  It's going to be a great conference and we hope you can plan to join us!  We express our thanks to Susan and her colleagues at Concordia.

All best regards,

Galen Johnson
General SecretaryJoin me on Twitter or Facebook for updates. Please email suggestions, links and questions to

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