
Saturday, May 21, 2011

JOB: Providence College

Providence College, Department of Philosophy, part-time (2/3 load), one 

semester (fall 2011) replacement position.  Ph.D. preferred.  Teaching 
obligations include interdisciplinary team teaching in the College's 
Development of Western Civilization Program; philosophy component begins 
with Descartes and goes to Hegel, possibly Nietzsche.  To ensure full 
consideration, applications must be received by May 31, 2011.  Please submit 
cover letter, CV, transcripts (copies acceptable) and at least three letters 
of reference to: 
ties%2f> . InterFolio materials may be sent to Dr. Laura Landen, Chair, 
Department of Philosophy, Providence College, Providence, RI  02918. 
Providence College is a Roman Catholic four-year liberal arts institution 
conducted under the auspices of the Dominican Friars and seeks candidates 
who can affirm and contribute to its mission.  An AA/EO employer, the 
College especially encourages the applications of women and persons of 

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