
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Google's "in-house Philosopher"

Thanks to Professor Eason for this pointer. 
Just one of the many things you can do with your PhD in philosophy is apparently work for Google, pretty interesting stuff. Ethics and technology is a giant section of employment outside academia for philosophers be it bio-ethics, marketing, or advising. Anything which is important to our society is a great opportunity for philosophical, or at least ethical, employment. Pick one thing you are engaged with everyday and then think and expand upon the classical ethical systems and how they apply to said activity. Then all you have to do is write a book or send an email to the companies who do it!
The technology industry needs to think long and hard about ethics, according to Googler Damon Horowitz.
Horowitz has co-founded several startups, and he’s currently a director of engineering at Google. But he also has a Ph.D. in philosophy and apparently holds the title of “in-house philosopher” at the search giant.

Full article HERE


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