
Monday, March 28, 2011

Philosophy Journal Information: ESF Rankings, Citation Impact, & Rejection Rates

Table of philosophy journals. Classification of philosophy journals into three types. European Science foundations rankings. This table also includes rejection rates and H&G Values for each journal. 

Ranking systems used:

ESF ranking: 
European Science foundation's (ESF) European Reference Index for the Humanities(ERIH) ranks journals into 3 class categories A(1), B(2), & C(3). 'A' being the highest quality. More information on ESF rankings and methodology:

European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) - Journal Rankings

 The h-index is an index that attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other people's publications. [From wikipedia]

 g-index is an index for quantifying scientific productivity based on publication record. It was suggested in 2006 by Leo EggheThe index is calculated based on the distribution of citations received by a given researcher's publications. 
The g-index is very similar to the h-index, and attempts to address its shortcomings. Like the h-index, the g-index is a natural number and thus lacks in discriminatory power. Therefore, Richard Tol proposed a rational generalization. [From Wikipedia]

Other information about publishing:

12 hours ago 

Find original page here from Certain Doubts:

 One word of explanation: journal type is my own classification into three groups–journals of primarily disciplinary interest (type 1), journals of extra-disciplinary interest (type 2), and history journals (type 3). Type 2 journals tend to elicit higher citation rates than type 1 journals, and both of these tend to elicit higher citation rates than type 3 journals.

Journal NameESF RankH-ValueG-ValueRejection Ratejournal type
Journal of the History of Philosophy158953
Journal of the History of Ideas156903
British Journal for the History of Philosophy146803
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy1453
History of Philosophy Quarterly244853
Hume Studies2343
Ancient Philosophy233803
Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie233803
Kantian Review1233
Medieval Philosophy and Theology2223
Studia Leibnitiana1223
The Thomist222703
Linguistics and Philosophy13759852
Journal of Logic, Language and Information233492
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science13243902
Mind and Language13044902
Philosophy of Science12740802
Minds and Machines224362
The Hastings Center Report12130902
Biology and Philosophy12031802
Theory and Decision120302
Philosophy and Public Affairs11827952
Economics and Philosophy11826902
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy118232
Political Theory21730902
Journal of Symbolic Logic11418352
Journal of the American Academy of Religion21322802
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic11319852
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic113172
Social Philosophy and Policy112162
Law and Philosophy110162
Philosophy and Literature0911902
Christian Scholar’s Review022902
Journal of Philosophy12333951
Philosophical Studies12332881
Studia Logica123321
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research12131921
Philosophical Review12033961
The Monist11623901
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society114221
Australasian Journal of Philosophy11421911
Journal of Philosophical Logic11318581
Philosophical Quarterly11219921
American Philosophical Quarterly11116881
European Journal of Philosophy21114851
Canadian Journal of Philosophy21018901
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly19161
History and Philosophy of Logic2816601
British Journal of Aesthetics28131
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism1810901
Southern Journal of Philosophy279941
Grazer Philosophische Studien268601
Journal of Value Inquiry2681
Midwest Studies in Philosophy1681
Religious Studies158751
Journal of Philosophical Research257751
Faith & Philosophy256901
Philosophy East and West056801
Review of Metaphysics245931
International Philosophical Quarterly2441
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion133851
Philosophia Christi2331
type 3 mean1.43.273.8784.44
type 3 median13485
type 2 mean1.1418.3926.9683.57
type 2 median1182690
type 1 mean1.3911.6316.9785.54
type 1 median19.51690


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