
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CFP: Philosophy of Sport?

Here is a call for papers on the philosophy of sport. Philosophy of sport is rather new and was started in the 1960's. I have been seeing philosophy of sport mentioned quite a bit on the internet lately but am very ignorant of it's nature myself.  The philosophy of sport definition from Penn State:

In the philosophy of sport, students examine the nature and values of human movement utilizing the nonempirical methods of philosophers. Areas of emphasis include:
  • the ethics of sport
  • mind-body holism and its implications for professional practice
  • the significance of tacit knowledge
  • comparisons of sport with art
  • the unique values of games and play
Some of the faculty have been active in the founding and early years of their respective professional organizations: the North American Society for Sport History and the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (originally the Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport).


International Association for the Philosophy of Sport in conjunction with
the APA Eastern Division Meeting December 27-30, 2011, in Washington, D.C.** 

The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport invites the
submission of papers to be considered for presentation at the 2011 American
Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting.  Papers are welcome on
any area of philosophy of sport from any theoretical approach.  Presenters
must be members of both APA and IAPS and pay regular conference registration
fees.  For more information on IAPS, go to **. Papers
should have an appropriate scope and length for a twenty-minute

To be considered, please submit a 500-800 word abstract of the paper by May
10, 2011.  Abstracts should be submitted as attachments by e-mail [.doc,
.docx, .rtf, or .pdf format] to Only those
contributors who do not have access to e-mail should send a hard copy to
Joan Grassbaugh Forry at the address below. 

Submitting authors will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of their
papers by May 30, 2011. 

Dr. Joan Grassbaugh Forry 
Vanderbilt University 
111 Furman Hall
Nashville, TN 37240 



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