
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ranked Philosophy Journals

The Highest Quality "General" Philosophy Journals in English

So with more than 500 votes cast, the earlier poll is now closed. Here are "the top 19" journals (after which there is a drop-off in votes). Some useful information here, also some surprises.
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1. Philosophical Review (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)

2. Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 275–125
3. Nous loses to Philosophical Review by 307–118, loses to Journal of Philosophy by 240–183
4. Mind loses to Philosophical Review by 309–108, loses to Nous by 221–192
5. Philosophy & Phenomenological Research loses to Philosophical Review by 361–80, loses to Mind by 307–132
6. Australasian Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 386–65, loses to Philosophy & Phenomenological Research by 327–102
7. Philosophical Studies loses to Philosophical Review by 277–47, loses to Australasian Journal of Philosophy by 153–143
8. Analysis loses to Philosophical Review by 384–71, loses to Philosophical Studies by 259–159
9. Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 376–57, loses to Analysis by 222–179
10. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society loses to Philosophical Review by 387–44, loses to Philosophical Quarterly by 273–105
11. Philosophers' Imprint loses to Philosophical Review by 264–28, loses to Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society by 135–124
12. Philosophical Perspectives loses to Philosophical Review by 369–27, loses to Philosophers' Imprint by 167–141
13. American Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 387–42, loses to Philosophical Perspectives by 138–118
14. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly loses to Philosophical Review by 410–23, loses to American Philosophical Quarterly by 169–167
15. The Monist loses to Philosophical Review by 385–38, loses to Pacific Philosophical Quarterly by 199–102
16. Canadian Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 393–32, loses to The Monist by 161–132
17. Philosophical Topics loses to Philosophical Review by 379–12, loses to Canadian Journal of Philosophy by 197–112
18. European Journal of Philosophy loses to Philosophical Review by 265–24, loses to Philosophical Topics by 135–133
19. Ratio loses to Philosophical Review by 395–22, loses to European Journal of Philosophy by 152–134

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